วันเสาร์ที่ 13 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 6

Date: 09/08/2016
        This day I learned how to combine the data and made my special corpus named fruit. The teacher taught me to give the topic of the information I collected. There were 58291 words in my corpus. My topic was fruit. There were terminologies and collocation word such as dried fruit, rich in vitamin, or healthy diet. There were local grammar liked one word had two parts of speech. In addition, It was style of word liked personification, use of if-clause, relative clause, infinitive & gerund, etc. Moreover, there were content knowledge. For example, use of known as to clarify terms. So, this day I had lot of fun when I did the challenging task that my teacher asked me to do.

วันศุกร์ที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Learning Log 5

Date: 02/0/2016

          This day, teacher thought me about how to find the use word in Corpus lead. When I wanted to find some word, I could type it in this program and the information appeared. After that, teacher thought me about how to collect the information to construct the special Corpus by myself. I had to collect all the information in Notepad. I also saved the in .txt to make the data ready to do the special corpus. Moreover, I could know how many words I had with Antconc Program. It counted every words in my file. 


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